Google Maps Activity Export

Another Google cool feature being discontinued. Google maps is disabling the access to your location history online – via browser. Starting December 2024, it will only track and be available per device. If you have trips you like to work with, like on Google Earth, I recommend exporting them now. I suppose these will be available to export from each device, but just to make sure I prefer to have the data saved where I have access to it.
Export Google Maps Location History
Go to your Google account “Takeout” and export you Location History.
Deselect all, and then select Location History
Next Step
Select the way you want to receive your data; I select email
Export Once; ZIP File; 1 GB
Create Export
You will receive an email with a link to download. It only took a few minutes to get mine.
OK now you have your location history data!
If you only need one day at a time, you can do that as well:
Go to your Google Maps
Hamburger Menu > Your Timeline, Select the date you wish to export
In the bottom right, select the gear icon, Export this day to KML
Convert Google Maps Location History json to KMZ
If you want to import this data into Google Earth, like a trip you made, do this:
You have to convert the .json file to a Google Earth file:
This is a free service. You can donate to the project. I did, worth saving me who knows how much time figuring this out.
Upload a json file you downloaded previously. Mine are segmented by month which was perfect. You can edit the location later in Google Earth if you dont need all the locations.
Select Google Earth (or whatever else you like)
Wait a minute, the page will refresh with a link to download your Google Earth file. After you download this .kmz file, you will have the option to download an Overlay file. I dont think you need it for Google Earth.
Import data Into Google Earth
You can use Earth online at
I prefer to have the app on the PC, download
You can open your KML and KMZ files in Google Earth, either online or app version.